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Night time cleansing in LND

Keeping my skin spot free and soft has been a challenge living down in London for a month. I travel constantly on the tubes which coats our skin in all sorts of dirt, which can be detrimental when we are on our way to work etc. and don’t have time to clean our skin in-between commutes. The other factor which has affected my skin in London is the water! So many people seem to overlook this idea, but it is so much harsher than the water up north (what I’m used to). This also makes my hair feel dry and more brittle, despite my sulphate and paraben free shampoos.  I have found a NEW skin care regime which has kept my skin hydrated and protected in this new-found London life. This is something I would trial, but do what is best for your skin. I feel like everyone tries to push their ‘skin rescue’ ideas onto everyone… Which is never going to work because we are all completely different. For me, however, this regime has worked wonders. 1.) For the first time in history, I have us

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